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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 7th & 8th; Fly high, pretty bird.

The 7th of August.  I woke up to the news that my friend Kate has died. She was in need of her fourth liver transplant, because she had a clot in her last one and an infection that wasn't responding to treatment. It's harder because it so easily could have been me in 2013, and because I expected it. I'm almost used to my friends dying. That shouldn't be the case. I'm too young to have so many dead friends. 

Not a lot else has happened. I tried going to the gym to take my mind off Kate but it didn't work. I had to talk to the sweaty boy to help me change the handle on the lat pull down and he was helpful. 

We changed the dressing on my leg, which had to be soaked off because there was so much dried blood. It looks fine though.

I'm sorry, I just don't feel like writing much. What is there to say when this happens? Fly high, pretty bird. 

The 8th of August.

I've just kind of kept myself busy all day which seems to have helped. All morning I read the paper, was bad at the sudoku and better at the crossword. A neighbour came round with some flowers for me because I gave Bob the perching stool to lend to her husband as a zimmer frame. This was before I knew we still had Grandma's walker but it doesn't matter as it meant he could walk a bit, then sit down, so I'm a genius. 

This afternoon, I made all the limbs and tail of Timothy the T-Rex, watched Hannibal, and put him together. He's probably the cutest thing I've ever made, and now Vicky wants one so I have to decide if I'm doing green again or different colours. 

Mommy was going to make burgers, but the mince hadn't defrosted enough so while we waited, we made Hollywood Monster cookies from Konditor & Cook. I've eaten some crumbs and they're very tasty. 

I got on the scales this morning and have lost weight which is not good for bridesmaid dress so I have to try and not lose any more!

The 9th & 10th; Just not conventionally.

The 9th & 10th; Just not conventionally.

The 5th & 6th; A really excellent day!

The 5th & 6th; A really excellent day!