In one of the stars I shall be living.

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The 23rd & 24th; She was wrong.

The 23rd of October.  I am full of yawns. Today has been of very little excitement. This morning, I wrote up a post, then had a FaceTime call from Christine because she had gone for a run, fallen down and split open her knee in a rather spectacular fashion. She wanted to show it to us so we could advise on how best to deal with it. Obviously her medical kit is not as extensive as ours so she couldn't steri-strip it, so the next best thing was to make sure it was really clean, then holding it together with a strip of plaster so air could still get to it, and to keep putting ice on it. At least she wasn't far from home when it happened. 

I then unravelled the crochet I did yesterday and started again with different wool. It was the right thing to do and I am much happier with it. I stopped so I could have lunch, and be ready for the lady to come and see Archie with her two sons at one o'clock. Except they didn't turn up until an hour later because she apparently thought we'd agreed two. She was wrong. 

I took them in to meet him but it didn't take long to become clear that it's not a good fit. They want a kitten who will play with them and be boisterous, which Archie most definitely is not. Thankfully, the mother could tell that it wasn't right, and they left after half an hour. 

Since then, I have finished remaking the thing is started yesterday, and am very pleased with the results. Being a perfectionist (in some aspects of life at least) pays off sometimes. 

The 24th of October. 

I woke up from the most complicated, bizarre dream I've had in a while. At the point my alarm went off, I was hiding under a desk from some aliens who wanted to transform me into something. Thankfully I never found out what. 

This morning I stuffed some parts of the thing I've been crocheting, then spent ages brushing them with a wire pet brush to make them look furry. My arm got really quite tired from it all. But it had the desired effect, so not a waste of time. 

After lunch, I went to the gym. I wasn't sure if it was going to be really full or empty because it's half term. Thankfully the latter! Got through all my routine in the order I like, and I didn't have to do any passive-aggressive staring or anything. Vlad tried to talk to me at the end but I was not particularly communicative and he had to go to his next client. I hate it when anybody tries to strike up a conversation at the gym - I do not go there for chat. Unless you are the girl with the amazing body that I really want to befriend. 

Super excited for the My Dad Wrote A Porno finale listen-a-long tonight! Although very sad to be without Belinda and her antics again.