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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 4th & 5th; Grazia want to do a photoshoot with me on Tuesday in wedding dresses.

The 4th & 5th; Grazia want to do a photoshoot with me on Tuesday in wedding dresses.


The 4th of December.  No sleep. Literally zero hours of sleeping were done by me last night. I tried until about three, at which point I gave up and started listening to Serial. I've been downloading it but not listened, but overnight I heard the first six episodes and I want to catch up to the present, where Christine is, before she comes tomorrow evening. 

I was supposed to be visiting Handsworth this morning to talk to Mrs. Wager and Mr. Trotter, but I got a phone call to say she had a "stonking cold" and sore throat which she didn't want to pass on to me, which I was really rather grateful for. We'll reschedule when she is better. 

Mommy decided to use the newly free time to go into Sutton to do some Christmas shopping, and I stayed at home and drank oodles of coffee. In the afternoon, we had a wedding dress shopping appointment, but it was strictly Becky trying them on today. There were three we really liked which got narrowed down to two, and she's going to take the weekend to have a think about them. 

Tonight I am really super tired and I am going to watch I'm A Celebrity in bed, then completely zonk out. Not doing anything tomorrow. 

The 5th of December. 

Good sleep, thank God. Down by half ten, then awake just before nine. That is lots of nice rest. The scales proved to be on my side, and I've lost 1.5 of the five pounds that have been stressing me out. 

The nurse came to flush my line which was all fine, and I wrote up a blogpost and watched This Morning. It's not been a vastly eventful day. Both cars are fixed and back (Daddy's heater was broken) so I think driving anywhere will be much more pleasant now. 

This afternoon, while both parents were out sorting the cars, I listened to the last four episodes of Serial, so now I'm completely up to date and I've got no idea what to think. 

Grazia want to do a photoshoot with me on Tuesday in wedding dresses. This is beyond exciting. 

The 6th & 7th; I would consider today a great success on all fronts.

The 6th & 7th; I would consider today a great success on all fronts.

The 2nd & 3rd; I had the most tedious morning.

The 2nd & 3rd; I had the most tedious morning.