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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 10th & 11th; I'm a sentimental fool.

The 10th & 11th; I'm a sentimental fool.


The 10th of December.  I had quite a lot of sleep, but it wasn't the best quality. Awake quite a few times. Still. Mommy came upstairs to have another go at my line as yesterday it wasn't quite playing ball, but today it was better, thank God. I did not want to have to go to hospital today. 

So instead I have sat around in my knitted Christmas joggers and a blanket and recovered from yesterday. I was even more tired than I thought! Also my tummy was not 100% happy so I've avoided dairy for most of the day, only having some milk in my coffee this morning but since then I haven't even had my advent calendar chocolate. 

I am feeling better this evening, but I think I will have another early night and quiet day tomorrow. 

The 11th of December. 

Better sleep, although when I woke up (only briefly) at about half six, the wind and rain slapping against the window was so loud, I wasn't sure I'd ever sleep again. 

Our scales had broken so yesterday Mommy bought some new ones, but I got on them this morning and they almost flipped up -they're so light, I just don't trust them. They feel like a toy. So we went out to Argos and I bought some I feel more confident in. We also got my Pandora charms for the 19th and 21st but they have to stay in the boxes until those dates. There was a lady in the queue in front of us who wanted a particular charm, but she didn't know what it looked like, what it was made of or how much it cost so she was basically the worst customer in the world. 

When we got home, I had to rummage through some hard drives for some old photos for Nathan/Grazia and found all sorts of gems, including a very cute squished-face kitty who I wish I remembered meeting!

This afternoon, I watched New Year's Eve and  cried at least three times because I'm a sentimental fool while Mommy took Grandma to see Nutcracker. I also talked to Christine who rang to be sad about being poorly so I told her to buy lots of oranges and some Vaseline to prevent her nose from getting sore. 


The 8th & 9th; Oh, today was just beyond brilliant.

The 8th & 9th; Oh, today was just beyond brilliant.

The 6th & 7th; I would consider today a great success on all fronts.

The 6th & 7th; I would consider today a great success on all fronts.