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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 14th & 15th; Best weekend ever?

The 14th & 15th; Best weekend ever?


The 14th of February.  Happy Valentine's Day!

Well I've had a pretty great day. We went round the corner to meet Jodie and co at twelve at Costa and it was a little bit mad. So much stuff! The Costa people gave us free beverages and a card which was very sweet. 

There were many photographs taken which is always super awkward, and my face ached a little bit but then we were able to chat and I opened all the cards. There were about eighty! Our living room is full. Lots of people sent jewellery including a lady's wedding jewellery which involved a tiara! Fabulous. I also have bundles of chocolate and candy and teddies. 

Yeah I'm just a bit overwhelmed. It took six of us to get it all home, and now after getting it all out and taking photos, I'm a little exhausted. I am looking forward to bedtime and a big sleep. 

I watched Tangled and ended up nearly in tears when they were singing on the lake. As much as today has been about being loved by my family, friends and complete strangers, none of them are my significant other. It's the loss of that moment when you're in the early stages of seeing someone and you think "somebody likes me, and I like them, and we're happy and this could be something really great". Knowing that I'm not going to have that again... I feel like I've come to terms with it, but it still doesn't stop it hurting sometimes. But it's only sometimes. 

The 15th of February. 

Best weekend ever? Certainly hard to beat. 

I knew Josie Long and Tom Allen were coming round about half one, so I thought I'd better have my hair washed and be presentable. I finished off yesterday's Guardian, and got intrigued by a cheese called stichelton which I have never heard of but I want it. 

They were a little but late because of trains, but they arrived and we were just sorting out their coats and beverages when the doorbell rang! Who was it? Olly Joely Lycett and Josh Widdicombe! Josie had secretly invited them. Katherine Ryan was supposed to come but couldn't, so she sent a note with Joe and will come another time for tea, and Romesh Ranganathan will be coming at some point too!

So I had four of my favourite comedians in my lounge and was just about holding it all together. It was suggested we discuss how this mini gig was going to work, so we all went into the living room because we'd thought it'd work well in that space. Then for a while we were stood around the dining table, drinking tea and just talking about stuff - Joe and Daddy were having a chat about the garden and football, Josh, Tom and I were discussing Bake Off, Mommy and Josie were talking about theatres. It just felt really normal. Then we moved the dining room table into the kitchen and rearranged the chairs, and set up a little gig! Josie compered, and did her own little set before pulling people's names out of her pocket. Next was Joe,then Tom and Josh. Everyone was so funny and it wasn't at all awkward like I feared, although that was probably helped by the extra people. I don't know what else to say about it because it was so special and I want it to be just mine. After the gig, we decamped to the living room and I was showing Josie and Joe some delightful medical photos, then I preached a little bit about giving blood and stem cells which everyone is now very much on board with!

Then they all had to leave. I didn't want it to be over, there was still so much to say. I don't think it will be the last I see of them - I hope not, because they are all as lovely as I had imagined. We just had time to have dinner before we went out to Josie and Tom's gig at The Electric. Alison from the Birmingham Mail was there with her sister so we said hi before finding our seats, which left me massively out of breath. I hope the venoplasty helps with that because breathing is still really stupidly difficult. 

The gig was obviously excellent and we had a wonderful time, and tonight I'm going to have to have a Zopiclone or my brain will not let me sleep. I'm so happy. 

The short version for new readers, & why you should donate.

The 12th & 13th; Last hospital day!

The 12th & 13th; Last hospital day!