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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 11th & 12th; At least I don't feel sad today.

The 11th & 12th; At least I don't feel sad today.


The 11th of April. I feel a bit sad this evening and I don't know why. I had a massive sleep - early night, two Zopiclone, slept in until nearly ten. I spent the morning searching for the right wool for a special project, which is now on its way.

After lunch, I went to the gym, and it was there that I started feeling down, my breathing wasn't good - I should've used my inhaler earlier in the day. I couldn't get into the music I normally listen to, I was really cold - the air con was on full blast, and I just didn't feel good about myself or what I was doing.

On the way home, we went via Boots as I needed some more handcream for the terrible dry skin on my fingers from the GvHD, and some leg hair removal cream as I'm not using that spray again - it went everywhere.

I hope this is just a bad day, and I feel better in the morning.

The 12th of April.

Ugh well I had a terrible night. I dreamed that a murderer was trying to get me and if I moved then he would, so I couldn't go and fill my water bottle which was nearly empty in case I got murdered.

This morning was Sunday Brunch and hairwash, and this afternoon, I made Anna's elephant's head and we watched several things that were on the box.

I forgot to do my writing before dinner as I got distracted by The Lorax, so I just started during Masterchef. That was probably a good idea as it was quite stressful. Masterchef is always super stressful - I could never be a chef, I think I'd just run away and cry,

At least I don't feel sad today.

The 13th & 14th; I didn't have a good sleep. Instead, I had a temperature.

The 13th & 14th; I didn't have a good sleep. Instead, I had a temperature.

The 9th & 10th; Having your blood messed about with is exhausting.

The 9th & 10th; Having your blood messed about with is exhausting.