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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 27th & 28th; My chest rattles like maracas of death.

The 27th & 28th; My chest rattles like maracas of death.


The 27th of December.  Oh, good, I think I've been infected with Taid's cough. I've certainly been phlegming all day long. I brought some up to check the colour but it's white so it's just a virus. 

This morning I blogged, and I've tried to crochet but it's hard to do anything for long when I'm hurled forward every thirty seconds by my lungs. The only respite comes when I curl up into a ball on the floor. I don't know why it helps, it's just instinctive. It's where I need to be. 

Dan was supposed to be coming round but we rescheduled for tomorrow because Warren roped him into building a cabinet. Daddy took Taid out for a drive to show him all the places he used to frequent when he lived here. 

I am just sad because now I am screwed for at least a month. My back kills from the coughing, and this will now be relentless. My birthday will be ruined. Looking forward to that. 

Zopiclone tonight, methinks. 

The 28th of December. 

Definitely full of disease. I had an extra pillow last night plus two Zopiclone and managed to fall asleep without too much issue. This wasn't so helpful when it came to waking up - the combination of double Zopiclone and being poorly meant that getting out of bed and dressed as a huge amount of effort. Stupid lungs. 

I have been trying to move as little as possible all day, because sometimes I find a position in which I do not cough, so I stay there until movement is absolutely necessary. I did get up to answer the door to Dan when he came, and we watched The Lego Movie and part of Babe. Chatted about my kitten fostering and how his parents are redecorating the entire house. It is so nice to be able to farm back into old rhythms with old friends, like no time has passed at all. 

He was summoned home by his mum needing "a big bag of digestive biscuits", I am theorising for a cheesecake. Once he'd gone, I was back on the floor in my front to suppress the cough again. I barely stopped while he was here. It's not a tickly one, it's the sort where my chest rattles like maracas of death. Big fun. 

The 29th, 30th & 31st; Be kind to one another and yourselves.

The 29th, 30th & 31st; Be kind to one another and yourselves.

The 25th & 26th; Merry Christmas!

The 25th & 26th; Merry Christmas!