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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 23rd & 24th; The difference steroids can make!

The 23rd & 24th; The difference steroids can make!


The 23rd of March.  Most of me aches less than yesterday, but my arms are much worse after my jabs this morning. The GP's was nice and quiet, no one coughing at me, and I was called through quickly (as I expected, it was only twenty past nine, not much time for them to be running late). We did then however have to sit there for ages while the nurse rang people at the QE because she had a query about the order of the vaccines. She was eventually told to just do it the way it said on the protocol. Pah. Three injections today; one in my left arm, two in my right. Both hurt a lot. I'm not sure how easy sleeping is going to be. 

This afternoon was Hallfield's Easter service, where I was reading The Resurrection. I got there half an hour before it was due to start and panicked because I couldn't find Roger who had my reading, but a teacher I grabbed was able to help me and it was all fine. I sat near the front with the parents of the children in the choir (who were SO GOOD, I was so impressed with their harmonies) and when it was my turn, I climbed up to the lectern and read my passage, trying not to go too fast, and to enunciate. I realised afterwards that I hadn't looked at the audience really at all, so I need to work on that for AN talks. 

It's 14 years since I was last in that church. That doesn't seem possible. 

The 24th of March. 

Another early morning, although I had half an hour more sleep than yesterday. Shaki came to pick me and Monica up at half nine, although it took us a little while to get her into the carrier. She did sad mews all the way to the vet. Once there, she was very good; she let the vet weigh and jab her, then she slinked around on the floor, looking very suspicious. We talked about the kind of home she needs, and came to the conclusion that she needs to be an indoor cat. This was reinforced by that kitty we saw on the way out with an RSPCA lady - he'd been hit by a car and was frozen in shock. I have never seen anything like it. 

I left Monica alone when we got back, because she was sulking and I had a blog post to do. I went to see her when I had finished and she forgave me. 

Christine came home today for Easter, and when she arrived, I took her to meet Monica, who immediately became her friend. Such a friendly kitty. We only had an hour at home before going out again, so it was a brief hug. We went to eat at Ed's Diner before Jeffery Deaver, which meant burgers all round. I became friends with a baby in the next table, who looked just like Herbie and liked to wave. I am the baby whisperer. 

Jeffery was great, as always. This time, he talked about how to write, why he writes, famous rejection. He made me want to write the book everyone keeps telling me to put together. I still don't know. In the signing, he didn't recognise me because I was standing and had cheekbones, but when I reminded him, he seemed delighted by how well I look. The difference steroids can make!

The 25th & 26th; Sunshine and good music.

The 25th & 26th; Sunshine and good music.

The 21st & 22nd; Inspiring and disappointing.

The 21st & 22nd; Inspiring and disappointing.