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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 10th & 11th; Boo hoo how sad what a shame.

The 10th & 11th; Boo hoo how sad what a shame.


The 10th of April.  I am exhausted today. I woke up at half past eight, which is admittedly earlier than usual but not ridiculously so, I have done very little (although that was not the plan), and yet I just want my bed. 

My morning was upstairs and downstairs (more so than normal, I mean). After my shower, I put my pyjamas back on so the moisturiser could sink in, and had my breakfast and coffee before writing up my 500th blog post. What a milestone. Congratulations if you've read them all. Then I returned to my bedroom to get dressed for going out to meet a friend this afternoon. However, she texted me to essentially ditch me for her boyfriend, and I am not cool with this. You make plans with me, you keep them unless you are literally in mortal peril. Being blown off makes me feel like absolute shit, and that may be contributing to my tiredness. 

So instead of going out to have a fun afternoon, I have been stretched out in a chair with a blanket over my legs and a napping kitty on my lap while I idly absorbed three more episodes of Fringe and tried not to fall asleep. 

I would like it to be bedtime now. 

The 11th of April. 

So yawny. But I feel better than yesterday, having had a decent sleep and a productive gym session. 

I woke up from a dream that I was about to have another stem cell transplant, which has reminded me that I need to get started on my talk for Anthony Nolan. Twenty minutes is the longest I will ever have spoken for and I need to plan what I'm going to say. 

This morning mainly involved kitty cuddles, seeing as I was going to the gym this afternoon. She's so sleepy all the time, I think she must run around all night long. 

Went to the gym immediately after lunch because Mommy had to get to Grandma's to take her to the optician. I wore another of my new sassy gym vests, although today's was a bit wordy for anyone to read unless they stared at me. I stared a bit at a girl with an exceptional stomach but I will never look like that because a) my skeleton isn't as narrow as hers and b) the only time I've ever had a flat stomach was when I was anorexic. Not doing that again. 

Hoarder Lady got a taste of her own medicine today because I had the dumbells and someone else was on the machine she uses in conjuction with the mat and box, but OH WELL boo hoo how sad what a shame. That is also how I feel about David Cameron feeling upset about people speaking about his dad. Well now he knows how Ed Miliband felt and he gave no fucks about that. 

The 12th & 13th; It was a phenomenal night.

The 12th & 13th; It was a phenomenal night.

The 8th & 9th; Poor little Ham.

The 8th & 9th; Poor little Ham.