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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 29th & 30th; I'm not going to shut up about this until it changes.

The 29th & 30th; I'm not going to shut up about this until it changes.


The 29th of July.  I am still in need of more rest. Awake at half past three, five and six, then I didn't go back to sleep. Stupid Tramadol. I made use of my extra awake time though; I filled in all the Cats Protection paperwork for this morning's adoption. 

Tracy came with her husband today, and was here for much less time. She said hi to everyone, and we put the carrier on the bed so it could be investigated. There was only a tiny amount of form left to fill in, so we did that, I took her money, then I had to say goodbye! I picked Nettie up, the squirmy little thing, and I gave her a hug. I'll miss her because she always wanted to be stroked and played with. It's alright, I know she is going to a nice home so I am not sad. 

They took her with one of the blankets, and I got on with some much-needed blog-writing. I published one and scheduled another for tomorrow. Finally caught up again! I have been lax lately. 

This afternoon, Daddy and I went to see The BFG. It is very different to the version I saw as a child - much less scary, and not just because I'm a grown-up now. I felt Mark Rylance was faithful to the original character and I loved him. The dream-making sequence was simply gorgeous, but breakfast with the Queen was my favourite. A whole plate of crumpets! Bliss. However, I did get annoyed at them calling the Queen marm as in farm not mam as in ham when they all would have known the correct way. Pah. By the end, I was weeping. I don't know why; it wasn't sad, just emotional. I really love that story. 

The 30th of July. 

Please assume that until I say otherwise, I am waking up distressingly early and am perpetually crashing from caffeine. At least this morning I used the time productively, writing a blog post about my 8th marrowversary, which is today. Eight years that I would not have had if the current rules had been in place. Patients will be denied the chance to have the same based purely on some bad luck, and that is fucked up.

Victoria and Isobel came to pick up Noelle/Sophie at eleven and that was very easy. She went into the carrier of her own volition, we sorted out the paperwork, and they were gone! The other three don't seem to have noticed anyone is missing. 

At one o'clock, we went to Sarah's house to see Gabby and Gabe (now Florence and Freddie) and they've got so big! Not as big as her other cats though, they are ginormous! About two feet tall and I am not exaggerating. One of them has back feet like Thumper the rabbit and his front feet have thumbs! I'm sure Oscar was never that big. 

We could only stay for an hour because Sarah had to pick up her granddaughter and we had to get back to give our kittens lunch. Have to adjust the amount of food now two are gone. 

I posted my piece after sorting out a lot of formatting issues, and I'm hoping for a lot of views. An impact. I'm not going to shut up about this until it changes. #FixItJeremy

The 31st & 1st; Gabapentin seems to be giving me the trembles.

The 31st & 1st; Gabapentin seems to be giving me the trembles.

It's my 8th Marrowversary today. Now patients who deserve to live won't even get one. Fix it, Jeremy.

It's my 8th Marrowversary today. Now patients who deserve to live won't even get one. Fix it, Jeremy.