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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 16th & 17th; Blood is magic.

The 16th & 17th; Blood is magic.

 The 16th of October.

Blood tomorrow. God I can't wait to stop shaking all the time. Even if I'm going to have to get up very early.

This morning I got my hair washed for the first time since before I went into hospital. It is so nice to not have an itchy head, but my hair is so long now. I was supposed to get it cut the week I got admitted, so I have got the first appointment with Michaela I can do which is Thursday afternoon.

I spent the rest of my morning writing up a blog post, then I realised that I have WordPress subscribers who don't know I've moved to SquareSpace, so I then set up a MailChimp list to send out blog post emails. I hope it is going to work?

This afternoon, I sat in the back room, watching episodes of House and crocheting my jumper. I have to watch it in there because I have it on Amazon Prime and that's the only tv it works on. I got through six episodes, and I have nearly finished the second sleeve! I remember in ICU I had really bad back pain which the doctors thought was another clot, but they couldn't do a scan because of my contrast allergy, so they were just going to treat it, and I said that was like something that would happen in House. How embarrassing.

The 17th of October.

I am not shaking anymore!

It has been a really boring day in order to achieve this. We got to the QE for 10 as required, then sat and waited for my blood to go up. That didn't happen until half past eleven, and I was having two bags. The first one was an hour and a half, the second about two hours. During this time, I read nearly 300 pages of Dance Dance Dance by Haruki Murakami, and listened to the new episode of My Dad Wrote A Porno while I ate my lunch. Thankfully it did not make me splutter the way some others have. There was some drama with an old woman who had some platelets and was about to go home when she started spiking a temperature and her sats dropped to in the 70s. Apparently she does this every time, which made me wonder why they didn't give her steroid cover beforehand like they would for me? Weird.

It was nice to get home just after four, and the blood has done its job because I have since been to the bathroom and back without the zimmer frame! Blood is magic.

The 18th & 19th; You can't just touch people you don't know.

The 18th & 19th; You can't just touch people you don't know.

The 14th & 15th; Cold and trembly all the time.

The 14th & 15th; Cold and trembly all the time.