The 11th & 12th; I am so close.
The 11th of December.
I am nearly there! I think it will take two more days.
This morning, I wrote up a blog post, having done a lot of coughing. Maybe the oxygen isn't helping. I'll do it for the week, then add in another pillow is nothing changes. After that, I give up.
From about half eleven onwards, Mommy was out with Grandma doing church stuff, so I could work from then. I watched the last three episodes of American Horror Story: Coven, and I would happily have several more seasons of that please.
When Daddy went to pick Mommy up, I packed up the project and went to the dining room to wrap a couple of presents that needed doing for this weekend, then went to the back room to crochet more and see a bit more of The Walking Dead. The stuff I was doing this afternoon was rather frustrating because I had to work out how to insert seven equal space, but I got there in the end. And I only have one piece left to tidy in the basic sense, then I have to put it together and embellish!
The 12th of December.
I am so close. I will finish it tomorrow I am sure. I must, because sitting in that chair all day is fucking up my back.
The news has been a giant shitshow since before I woke up, so I have been ignoring it because what is the point in trying to keep up? I got to work on the crochet and The Walking Dead early doors, and I rang Mr. Kolli's secretary again. He does want to see me, she just needed to sort it out with the clinic coordinator. Good thing too, because I am having to put the pinhole glasses on for the whole evening if I want to see what's actually on the tv with any sort of definition. Everything is blurry.
After lunch, I returned to the crochet (I took a break to watch Celebrity Lego Masters with Mommy) and I'm now about a quarter of the way through season five of TWD. I have just a small amount of tidying and button-attaching to do, then all my Christmas presents are DONE.