The 7th & 8th; Stupid Kathryn.
The 7th of December.
I was coughing an awful lot this morning, so I thought I'd check my sats. They were not good - 90. I realised that I only started coughing in the mornings again a few days after I came home from hospital, and the only differences between here and there are the levels of dust and the amount of oxygen I am having at night. I figure that if my sats are this low in a morning, I should try upping it, and if it helps with my cough then that would be great. And much easier than trying to reduce dust more.
After I had finished all the coughing, I wrote up a blog post, then Daddy had to take Mommy to the doctor and to Sutton, so I took the opportunity to do some crochet. Got a decent amount done in the time I had, and I watched American Horror Story (I haven't given up on The Walking Dead, but I can only watch it on the back room with Amazon Prime in the tv).
This afternoon, Daddy and I went to see Ralph Breaks the Internet at the Everyman in the Mailbox. I figured it was a safe way to avoid children, and I was right. I had an Oreo milkshake with my chocolate buttons and we had a lovely couple of hours in a colourful cartoon world. I may have done a tiny cry. I always do.
Coming out, we found out the police had nearly towed the car away because we parked on double yellows and I left the timer the wrong way up. Thankfully the kindly people from the synagogue convinced them not to because we were probably not terrorists. I was very grateful. Stupid Kathryn.
The 8th of December.
Ooh I am getting festive. This morning got somehow frittered away, with a late breakfast and not getting dressed immediately. Mommy had had a very bad night, so I offered to go to the choir concert tonight on my own, but she suggested I invite Becky who was only too happy to come!
I spent my afternoon in the back room, determined to make a good chunk of progress on Mommy's crochet. I sat and beavered away, watching The Walking Dead and American Horror Story. Not such Christmassy viewing but there's time for that yet. I need to look at what films are on when so I can see what I need to make time for. Anyway, I worked for about three and a half hours and am very pleased with myself. I might finish the bit I'm working on tomorrow.
We went out about six to pick up Becky and go to the Town Hall. Getting through the markets on a Saturday night in the wheelchair was a nightmare; I shouted EXCUSE ME a lot and only ran over the toes of one man. But we got there. I picked up the tickets at the box office, and we had really good seats! One of the wheelchair spaces in the stalls, so we had a really good view but my bum hurt a lot by the end of the night from sitting in the chair. So bony.
The choir were really quite amazing. Colin is an incredible arranger and conductor - there is so much to admire about the way he puts a piece together. Plus so many of the choir are fantastic soloists, it's impossible to not be blown away. I miss singing so much.