The 27th & 28th; I can't stop thinking about how cold my feet are.
The 27th of January.
So cold, so tired. Yesterday must have really taken it out of me. I wasn't exactly energetic, so I suppose I just talked too much?
I have spent my day adding layers of warmth, because it never seemed like enough. I started off with my jeans and a cashmere jumper, then shawl round my shoulders, scarf over my feet, blanket round my legs, heated slippers. Only since I added the slippers have I become warm enough. I did take my temperature, just to check, but it was 36.3, so I am not ill. Just cold.
This morning, I wrote up a blog post and knitted while watching Sunday Brunch (lovely to see Guz explaining where the Midlands is to Tim and Simon). We had Sunday dinner at lunchtime, then for the rest of the afternoon I have watched animated films on Channel 4 and felt sorry for myself.
The 28th of January.
It is phenomenal that my feet can be this cold while inside the house. There is just no blood in my toes.
Up very early this morning because I had liver clinic at half past ten. When we arrived, it looked very busy, but James was actually running very well to time, so I barely got any of my book read before he called me in.
He was very pleased with my most recent blood tests - liver and kidney function were both excellent, hopefully they are as good today. I told him about the cataracts and the pain management strategy, and he's going to write to the GP to sort out a shared care plan for my tacrolimus (the GP won't prescribe it without one). I congratulated him on the work of the liver perfusion machine team, and I learned that Paolo has not totally left for Italy, but is back and forth being on call, so we haven't totally lost him. I had some new bloods done (chap got the vein first time!), then I was free to go. Back in a few months!
Got home about lunchtime, and this afternoon I have been working on the front of my jumper. I finished The Ted Bundy Tapes, and watched another Walking Dead. Genuinely saddened by the death of Tyreese.
I can't stop thinking about how cold my feet are.