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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 9th & 10th; So pleased.

The 9th & 10th; So pleased.

 The 9th of April.

Today has been pretty good! Established that I definitely don't have a pneumothorax, because I went to the chiropractor and if I had a collapsed lung, that would have made me feel like I was going to die. Also, I have finished the second sleeve of my jumper and I found a sketchbook! Admittedly, not one of the many I've been looking for, but it is a nice Moleskine one that I can draw in, so I am happy.

I did a blog post this morning, then I did a bit of sleeve knitting until we had to go out for my chiro appointment at half twelve. I hadn't got anything that was specifically bad, but it was good that I've stopped coughing so much, and nothing weird should seize up again. Click crack crunch.

When we got home, we had lunch while watching 8 Out of 10 Cats, then washed my hair for the first time since I had it dyed (I've been coughing too much for it to be possible for the past three weeks). I thought this sketchbook was in my wardrobe with all my Moleskine diaries, so while I was still upstairs I checked in there, and at the bottom of the pile is where I found it! So pleased. And now I've finished the sleeve so I can pin it out and start putting it together tomorrow!

The 10th of April.

Another good day for Kathryn. This morning, I got started on the assembly of my Westie jumper, doing the raglan seams before doing the ribbing of the collar. That took me up until lunchtime, which is when Mommy got back from taking Grandma out, and she had brought me a pretzel. Delightful!

Becky was coming round with Harry this afternoon, but not until about three, so I got two more seams done before they arrived. At first, he was very well-behaved, just sleeping on my lap of the fat angel cherub he is. After a little while, he did wake up and get a bit squirmy and sad, and we were all convinced he was trying to pass a motion but when they left, he still hadn't, despite having a feed, a nappy change and lots of leg motion. We didn't spend the whole time talking about and staring at him, but that was a lot of it.

When they'd gone back home to see James, I carried on with my jumper, which is now finished! The only dog left that I was to do is the beagle, but I might take a break from them. I have a couple of other projects I want to make so I'll maybe do one of those.

The 11th & 12th; He's very purry and friendly.

The 11th & 12th; He's very purry and friendly.

The 7th & 8th; I have been worrying.

The 7th & 8th; I have been worrying.