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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 13th & 14th; Really want a lovely priest.

The 13th & 14th; Really want a lovely priest.

The 13th of April.

Well today actually started in a much more decent fashion. Nothing spectacular, it was just fine and I'm happy with that.

This morning, I wrote up a blog post, and went to say hello to Falcon but he wasn't up for much chat yet. He sort of gave me a cursory noise, then went to lie down. I was alright with that; I sat in the living room and worked on a blanket for him. We don't have any cat blankets and I have a lot of leftover wool so it makes sense.

After lunch, I thought I'd see if he wanted to socialise and he very much did, so he curled up on my lap and went to sleep while I watched the second series of Fleabag. It was lovely, except when he did secret silent farts. Christ, they are atrocious. But they didn't entirely ruin the show. I found myself weeping at the funeral episode, because it is Dean's birthday today, and I miss him. It also made me really want a lovely priest. Although maybe not an actual priest.

I escaped the farts when he got up to talk Mommy because she was doing his litter trays, so then I watched Isle of Dogs. I enjoyed the stop motion kidney transplant.

The 14th of April.

My eyes have been such a bloody nuisance today. Barely been able to see a goddamn thing through this flimsy veil of crap.

It wasn't such a problem this morning - no need to look at much close up. I spent an hour in my bedroom after breakfast having a body brush/moisturise, which drove the air purifier mad. Just in case I want to have bare legs at Jamie and Natalya's wedding on Thursday, I thought it would be nice not to have skin like a lizard. Once I'd got dressed, I finished the ball of wool I was using to make the cat blanket, and that's come out a good size.

It was after lunch that I started having trouble. My nails needed redoing, but I couldn't really see the edges of them, so that was interesting. They are not actually too messy, despite my lack of ability to perceive contrast. When they'd dried, I went to sit with Falcon, but only got through one episode of Sabrina before he has done multiple unacceptable farts and I had to leave. I think he does them on purpose when he isn't allowed to suck on clothes.

I decided to do some drawing, but I could barely see the mark I made on the page, so that was off the table. Instead, I have started the next jumper (not a dog one) and watched Avengers: Infinity War. Thought I'd better remind myself what happened. Still annoyed at Quill.

The 15th & 16th; Immediately sneezed in my face.

The 15th & 16th; Immediately sneezed in my face.

The 11th & 12th; He's very purry and friendly.

The 11th & 12th; He's very purry and friendly.