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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 16th & 17th; Making slow progress!

The 16th & 17th; Making slow progress!

The 16th of July. 

Right. I opened this document twenty five minutes ago and kept getting distracted but I am doing it now. It's been a good day! Quite nice and warm, and I feel very productive. This morning, I did my blog post, then I moved over to the sofa so I could spread out my knitting and not get it all tangled up on my lap. I've been working on the Moomin all day, and I've nearly got to the end of the irritating part with lots of colour-swapping. 

I stopped for lunch and my early afternoon workout, in which I pushed a bit further in some exercises than I have before. Making slow progress!

Back downstairs, I returned to the Moomin, and watched two episodes of Jessica Jones. Then I made a submission to a project that Sadie signposted me to about being non-consensually touched while disabled, and I wrote about the time the woman stuck her hand in my hair and ruffled it in the lift at the hospital, and I just couldn't shake off the feeling of violation. I really hope next time (if there is a next time), I feel able to say something, instead of sitting there in shock. You can't just touch people. 

The 17th of July. 

I think I worked my eye a bit too hard yesterday with all the staring at knitting, so I've tried to give it more rests today. It feels a bit angry at the moment, so we'll see if I have enough self control to stop knitting for the rest of the evening. 

I worked on the Moomin pretty much all morning, and I'm making progress! It's so incredibly slow, because there are eighty one stitches either side of the Moomin pattern, and I tend to stop and recount on almost every row, which doesn't help. After working on it all day, I've done six rows. Not exactly a knitting machine. 

After lunch, I had a hairwash, and decided while drying that this colour is not going to last long. Maybe two more washes? Pink fades too easily. Next time, I'll have to ask Gemma what she's got that has staying power. I worry that anything not very dark or red will be neon colours and I am not into that. Neon is not my vibe. 

After that, I did my workout and made a coffee (still agony; 1800mg of Gabapentin is not enough), then got back to knitting and Jessica Jones. I got through three episodes, and about three rows. Finally getting into the meat of this season, and this Sallinger is an excellent villain. I am very much looking forward to his capture/killing/comeuppance. What an evil bastard. 

Time for more eye rest now! This morning I had a reminder to start doing the pred drops four times a day because next week was meant to be my first cataract surgery, and I forgot to cancel it. Now, next week I need to see Mr. Kolli to make sure he's happy with my ulcer healing. Fingers crossed he thinks it's good enough to schedule the next operation!

The 18th & 19th; Horrible and knackered and unhappy.

The 18th & 19th; Horrible and knackered and unhappy.

The 14th & 15th; I'm feeling hopeful.

The 14th & 15th; I'm feeling hopeful.