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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 14th & 15th; Recovery.

The 14th & 15th; Recovery.

The 14th of September. 

I feel a million times better now than I did when going to bed. I slept like a literal log, after having a Zopiclone. Normally it just helps me to go sleep and stay asleep, but last night it knocked me out to the point that I fell asleep without having done my eye ointment or put anything away or even turned the light off! I stayed dead to the world until my phone started vibrating because the QE were ringing and it was the plastics clinic ringing to organise my appointment! They offered me Wednesday, but things are happening on Wednesday so I made some noises and she went for Tuesday instead, which I leapt at. Colin on Monday, Plastics on Tuesday! 

Got to say, it's been a quiet one. Recovery. Getting dressed was fun, trying to find some trousers that would go over the swelling/dressings. I settled on my baggy jogging bottoms, and despite it not quite being winter, my Christmas Moomins jumper because I wanted to be cosy. Downstairs, I managed to make my coffee, then spent pretty much all day with my feet up, occasionally staggering around the house when required. I've developed an interesting sort of limp, because it hurts rather a lot to bend my right knee, so all movement is difficult. 

I had two surprise visitors this afternoon: Nicole and Alison, both bearing sunflowers! Alison's visit was only fleeting, but Nicole stayed to hear the story of the past 48 hours, even though she had shopping in the car. I thought I could tell it quickly, but she ended up being here for an hour. Whoops. She also brought me some mini lemon drizzle bundts! Anything mini is my favourite. 

The rest of the afternoon is a bit of a blur, really. I had a very miniscule nap, but kept getting woken up by reminders on my phone or my leg twitching, and started writing about Friday. It's going to take a while. 

The 15th of September. 

Zopiclone was not as effective last night. Only kept me asleep until half seven, when I was awoken by my bladder. I did go back to sleep, but then Mommy came in at nine to tell me she was going to have to go to Grandma's because she isn't well at all. She won't go to hospital, so the staff at the home and Mommy have to do their best to get her to take her medication, eat and drink. It's not great. 

Before she left, she got out some clothes for me, because I needed to look relatively presentable for lunch with Hilary and Jeremy in the park. I got dressed in one of my Uniqlo flannel dresses, and hobbled down the stairs. Daddy was able to get my breakfast, and I sorted out my coffee, then stayed put until it was time for us to leave. 

We were going for lunch before any of Thursday's antics happened, because they were going to be in the area for the AGM of the Friends of the Venerable yesterday, so this was already in the diary. They arrived just after us, and we all began updating each other pretty much immediately. We got drinks, decided against starters, and Hilary and I went up to get our plates from the carvery. I had beef, she had turkey, then we both faced the array of sides. Obviously there are your standard vegetables liked carrots, green beans, peas, multiple forms of potato, but then you get mac and cheese and I find it very upsetting that someone would put mac and cheese on the same plate as a roast and have gravy. No, not acceptable. 

We ate our food and talked a lot, although I did make sure to keep stopping talking so I could eat, as I was mindful of being like Taid and talking more than eating. I finished most of my food, except the beef because it wasn't great, then I had a rest while Daddy and Jeremy had coffee, Daddy had a mini crumble, and Hilary had some green tea. 

When we got back, I had half the salted caramel brownie that Alison brought back from Newcastle (there is a chocolate shop up there who make the most amazing brownies), and I really needed some more coffee, but couldn't face sitting at the machine again, so I asked Daddy to go round the corner to buy me a flat white. 

Unfortunately, my stomach then got very unhappy, so I spent the rest of the afternoon with a heat pack on my belly and feeling pretty crappy. I've been trying to catch up on my writing, it's just that Thursday and Friday are SO LONG. My right knee is absolutely killing me. None of the painkillers I have work on this kind of pain. I just want to see what is under the steri-strips the nurse put on on Friday, because I have a feeling she has really messed up my skin. 

The 16th & 17th; It just hurts so much.

The 16th & 17th; It just hurts so much.

The 12th & 13th; Smashed both knees into the tarmac.

The 12th & 13th; Smashed both knees into the tarmac.