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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 2nd & 3rd; I am nervous and scared and excited all at the same time.

The 2nd of May. I was woken at something past eight by Mommy ringing the doorbell after taking Alison to work. She was having trouble getting Jonathan to take some tablet for his ear infection. I should show him the set of pills I take every day and tell him to get over it.

Katie came to flush my line just as I was taking my tablets, so I didn't have breakfast until she'd gone. By then, it was about eleven so I was starving! Danny came at one for training, and he had me doing back to back sets of squats and swings, then rows and presses, then tricep extensions and curls, ending with crunches on the big ball. Quite worn out afterwards.

I'm getting really angry at the irresponsibility shown by Hollyoaks on their current storyline regarding stem cell transplantation. There have been various mistakes; they could only look inside the family for a donor, the child was having an operation (even after they've said he's having stem cells), then the stem cells were working pretty much immediately. All this misinformation is so frustrating - Hollyoaks' target audience is the prime demographic for donor recruitment and if they think only family can donate and there are operations involved they will not register and more people will die.

The 3rd of May.

Today has not been especially productive. Just after I woke up, I got a text from Becky asking if we had a wheelbarrow that they could borrow for pond-digging. We did, and we also had a pickaxe to lend them. Why we have a terrifying murder weapon, I have no clue.

I read the paper and managed to do the sudoku without cheating. To be honest, this afternoon, I have just watched tv and been quite useless. I practised my songs a little but one can overprepare.

I am nervous and scared and excited all at the same time.

The 4th & 5th; X Factor day!

The 30th & 1st; I am the least patient person in the world.