The 11th & 12th; I have no Christmas inspiration!
The 11th of November.
Less tired. Better sleep. Had a Zopiclone.
I had a pain au chocolat that Mommy made for breakfast, and it was excellent. Good work! And it didn't make my stomach super uncomfortable despite all the pastry and chocolate so a success all around!
This morning, I watched good boy Nish on Sunday Brunch while writing up a blog post. After that, back on my crochet bullshit. I managed to finish the first season of The Walking Dead while repeating rows back and forth (keeping count so as not to drop stitches again), and I've got about halfway up the back. Well, I've done fifty rows. I'll have to measure to know when I'm finished.
I told myself once I'd reached that point, I'd start looking online for Christmas presents, but so far I've not found anything that I want to give to anyone. I have no Christmas inspiration!
The 12th of November.
An early start again today. Liver clinic at half nine, so I was up at seven. I wasn't waiting for ages for James to call me in, but before he did I was recognised by one of my blog/instagram followers (hello!) and started to breathe through my jumper because a man behind me was being coughy and snotty and I cannot afford to catch a phlegm disease right now.
James was quite happy with my current state of wellbeing. My last bloods were decent, and he gave me forms for some more, then we had a chat about the plan for the PICC line, the MyHealth system, and the big liver conference that is going on in San Francisco. He wants to see me again in three weeks, then I think we'll start spreading my appointments out again.
After seeing him, I had my bloods done and dressing changed, then went to PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) so I could complain about the pain team/Dr. Blaney. I said everything I said on here the other day, and the chap (Ste) sat and listened, then he documented it all and asked what my desired outcome was, which is to get an appointment and for things to happen when I'm told they will. Is that so much to ask? Awkwardly, because Dr. Blaney is the head of the department, so my complaint about him goes to him. Not quite sure how that works, but Ste is going to call me next week with an update.
Funnily, in the post this afternoon, I got an appointment! However, it isn't until FEBRUARY. I don't feel like they really give a shit.