The 25th & 26th; It is going to hurt.
The 25th of November.
It is going to be an interesting Christmas.
Mommy went to fracture clinic this morning, where they took off her cast (hooray!) and now she has one of those support splint things, which she has to wear for probably at least the next month.
I am going to have to do a lot of things that she would usually do for me - sorting out my tablets, making my breakfast and my coffee. This doesn't sound terribly taxing, but with my lungs being worse than they were before, plus my back pain, it's going to be a struggle. I had to be employed to help make dinner this morning, as I can sit on the perching stool and chop vegetables, which obviously Mommy can't do. She's also going to require my wrapping skills, so I'm going to be spending a lot of time at the dining table being a wrapping elf. I love wrapping but fuck it is going to hurt my back.
Speaking of presents, I have now ordered all of mine, so I just have to finish making the crocheted stuff and make a decision on my wrapping theme. I think my main activity for the foreseeable future will be crocheting every spare minute. I'm now over half-way through Daddy's present, and Mommy's is coming along.
The 26th of November.
Fuck, I am cold. Unacceptably so. Better put my electric blanket on tonight.
It's been rather a busy day! Family trip out this morning to the dental hospital, then town for festive errands. It would have been only me and Daddy, but the trip to town lured Mommy in too. Dental hospital was good - I got a bit of my book read while waiting, then I saw Mrs. Richards for the first time in ages (it's normally one of her minions) and she used me as a teaching aid for a dermatologist who was in with her, as I am a good example of inactive mouth GvHD, not just standard lichen planus. She's very happy with the state of my mouth, back in six months.
In town I wanted to look at wrapping in Tiger and John Lewis. I ended up looking in Paperchase too, but nowhere had any that I liked! So very frustrating. I then went to Starbucks to cheer myself up with a festive beverage, and called Mommy to find out where they were. I met up with them at the German market, where I bought two new glass figurines to go with my Christmas chaps (a little dog and a man) and two pretzels, one salted and one coated in cinnamon sugar. So much carbohydrate.
This afternoon: crochet! And I finished season three of The Walking Dead. I think tomorrow I am putting on all my warm clothes and hiding in the back room with Mommy's present.