The 27th & 28th; Toasty as fuck.
The 27th of November.
I am much warmer this evening because I am wearing a long-sleeved thermal top under my jumper and my knitted Christmas trousers. Toasty as fuck.
This morning, I wrote up a blog post, phoned Sara (the liver nurse) to organise a time for me to go and have my PICC line dressing changed, then it was crochet time. I worked on Daddy's present until lunchtime, and it is nearly finished! Thank god.
After lunch, Mommy and Daddy took Grandma to Pacific Nurseries to look at plants and Christmas cards. This meant I had a good three and a bit hours to do Mommy's present. I actually got a fairly significant amount done, and I am about a quarter of the way through season 4 of The Walking Dead.
I think I have decided on my wrapping theme; I just need to measure a couple of things to see what size of bags/boxes I need to order for things that are weird shapes.
The 28th of November.
I always forget how long it takes to get my hair coloured. I had an appointment at Black Sheep to have my Christmas colour done (candy cane hair!) at half ten, and I didn't leave until two o'clock. It's the painting on of the colour that takes ages; the bits in between are quite short. I could have finished my book, but it was making me want to cry so I had to put it down. Will have to finish it in private.
We had to go to M&S on the way home to pick up a package for Mommy, so by the time I got have my lunch, it was about three o'clock. Starving.
The postman had brought me a package which I took upstairs, then I messed with my hair a bit and took a lot of selfies. I don't know how I feel about it.
We're off out to see Sara Pascoe tonight, so I've not had time to do any crochet at all!