The 7th & 8th; Utterly exhausted.
The 7th of January.
My ribs ache from coughing. The snot and congestion seem to have pretty much moved on, but I've still got the same boring, incessant cough that I had yesterday. It is exhausting.
I slept alright - more Zopiclone. Tomorrow I have to get up early for an appointment at the Women's, so I'm not sure how I'll get on tonight. Fucking germs. I'm supposed to wear the sats probe tomorrow night and I'm not allowed to wear the oxygen for that. I am really not confident it's going to go well.
This afternoon, I've finished knitting the sleeve and got to the end of the sixth episode of You. It's true what everyone says - it's very binge-worthy. I'm not sure I can finish it tomorrow, it might be Wednesday or even Thursday.
Oh god I am so TIRED.
The 8th of January.
Coughs are the worst. Utterly exhausted. I was up at seven this morning, because I had an appointment at the menopause clinic at ten. I expected to be there for ages because usually it runs terribly late, but I was seen by one of the specialist nurses before I'd even got my book out! Then I wasn't in with her for long - I'm happy on the patches, and the coil doesn't need to be changed until until next year, at which point I'll have another epidural. Back in a year!
I decided to go over to see the sleep/respiratory people about tonight. I spoke to a receptionist who phoned a sleep person, who came out to speak to me. I explained about all the coughing (and demonstrated), the extra oxygen and the Zopiclone. She went to consult with a senior colleague, who looked at my referral and decided that now was not the best time to do the test, and they actually want to do another test as well, so that's going to be rescheduled.
Got home, had lunch, then off to the chiro. My neck needed help, and my ribs. It'll be bad again in a few days because of all the coughing, but if I hadn't gone, it would be even worse when I'm better. Oh, how I long for that day!
I finished You this afternoon. Maybe some day I'll get back to The Walking Dead?