The 12th & 13th; Getting a bit squiffy.
The 12th of February.
Most of today has, as usual, involved sitting in front of the television, knitting my jumper. I finally reached the end of the bottom of it, and have begun the decreases that create the raglan seams. I need to look at where the decreases are going to sit on the front in conjunction with the pug pattern, to see how I need to incorporate them. Oh, it is so complicated.
This evening, there was an Old Hallfieldians drinks event at The High Field, so I dragged Sadie along for a few glasses of wine. I had to get an Uber there (and back) because obviously Daddy is not here, and I had a very lovely driver who wanted a chinwag. I don't mind that, as long as they don't get weird, but I just ended up telling him my life story. He told me I was brave. We gave each other five stars.
Sadie actually arrived before me, and had got us a table so I could sit down and get my breath back straight away. The usual committee members were there, and I got to meet the new head, Keith Morrow, who also had to be told the story of my life. Anne, who is the Deputy Head, came over for a chat because I haven't seen her for a while, and I told her about the gig last year (a year ago today!) because she didn't actually know about it. She is going to have a very jealous son because he apparently loves all of the comedian pals, so I recommended that he go to Machynlleth. She had to go mingle with some of the chaps who had arrived, and Sadie and I carried on nattering away, when she recognised two guys who had walked in - it was Miquel Laroyia-Bick and David Urwin with their girlfriends (David's girlfriend Lara being Miquel's sister). We got very excited because we haven't really seen them at all since we left Hallfield, so we had a lot of catching up to do. We did some reminiscing about clarinet lessons, and found that we all still have ours because our parents refuse to sell them as they cost so much in the first place. Incredibly, Miquel still remembers how to play! My muscle memory of that is all gone. Never mind the lack of lung capacity. We also got to talk about how Miquel and his fiancΓ©e are getting married in June, with David as best man and Lara as a bridesmaid. So nice!
We had such a fun evening, getting a bit squiffy and trying to find out what our classmates are doing now. They got going about eight, and Sadie and I got our rides shortly after. Home in time for the Sewing Bee!
The 13th of February.
I am tired today. I got back just after nine last night, and then what with eating and talking, we didn't start watching the Sewing Bee until twenty past. Therefore, it was a late bedtime, and I woke up multiple times in the night. Bleah.
This morning, I wrote about yesterday, then while Mommy went to the GP to get my prescription, I watched The Passage while working on the back of my jumper. I sent Anne a text about going to Hallfield tomorrow, so I'm waiting for a reply to confirm.
After lunch, I managed to finish the back, and began the front of my jumper. I don't think I'll actually get to the pug part today, which is probably a good thing - I need to be awake and able to concentrate. I also watched a couple more episodes of The Walking Dead, and am nearly at the end of season 6.
Taid is doing a little better. Once he is medically stable and there's a bed available, he'll go to a rehab facility, then they'll decide if he goes home with carers or to a care home. Just have to wait and see.