The 10th & 11th; A thin veil of crap.
The 10th of February.
Update on Taid: frankly, we don't know what's going on with him. Daddy has been in and out of the hospital all day, with Hilary and Jeremy. He's had a CT scan that looks okay but they want another one in a couple of days. It might be a small stroke? He's sleeping a lot. It's not helpful that it's the weekend, so obviously not a great deal is going to happen anyway.
This morning, I did a blog post, and started up Fair Isle practise number twosie while watching Sunday Brunch and getting updates from Daddy. I've spent the afternoon quietly beavering away at it, having to constantly adjust for the blinding sun in my eyes, and the cataracts have been stupid today. It's just like trying to see through a thin veil of crap that you simply cannot wipe away. My appointment with Mr. Kolli has been put back by a fortnight, which doesn't help.
Here's a good bit of news to end the day - I lost an earring back yesterday morning, and we couldn't find it anywhere on the floor or the bed. This morning, I put my slippers on and felt something poke my foot. Took the slippers off, felt around, and there it was!
The 11th of February.
Holy cow, my ankles and feet are so fucking cold tonight. I'm wearing joggers with my legwarmers over my lower legs, and my slippers have run out of battery. Oh, imagine a world in which my feet were not freezing all the time.
Not much update on Taid today; he is just sleeping a lot. He's getting fluids and antibiotics, but I don't think much else has happened today.
This morning, my wool for my dog jumpers arrived, so I had to decide which dog I was going to do (I settled on the pug), then write up the pattern of the dog itself from the graph. It wasn't actually immediately necessary, because I have to start with the back anyway. Still, I wanted to have it ready first. Once I'd finally got it all written down, I got to start on the actual knitting.
So, while Mommy was at Grandma's, I stuck The Walking Dead on and watched three episodes while I worked on what is probably the most tedious part of the jumper. Just keep knitting, just keep knitting.