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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 31st & 1st; Drugs, not bugs.

The 31st & 1st; Drugs, not bugs.

 The 31st of January.

Oh, it has not been a good day. I woke up feeling absolutely dreadful - my arms, legs, stomach and neck ached like crazy, I was really cold and shivery, despite being in my bed with my dressing gown over my duvet, and I had to up my oxygen to 2 litres. Just terrible.

Mommy and Daddy were out at the QE for hand clinic, so I texted Mommy and told her how I was feeling, and thankfully she was finished so they were coming home.

When they arrived, I took my temperature, which was 35.9, so I was actually cold, but I took some paracetamol anyway, which helped me stop shivering. I ate a crumpet very slowly (it was cold by the time I finished), because it was a huge effort, and took my regular tablets.

Over the course of the morning, I managed to get out from under the duvet and get changed into my twosie. I got downstairs around lunchtime, and I ate a boiled egg with some soldiers before I spent the entire afternoon with my eyes closed, sometimes asleep, sometimes resting.

We think it is because of the gabapentin. One of the side effects can be flu-like symptoms, so I am not taking it tonight and we'll see how I am tomorrow. I really hope this is because of drugs, not bugs.

The 1st of February.

I felt much better this morning, although that was quickly ruined by the news of Jeremy Hardy's death. Such a devastating shock. He was one of my favourite News Quiz panellists, and his own series on Radio 4 was always a joy to listen to, no matter how many times I'd heard it before. He was a socialist who used his principles to inform his humour and never wavered. We have lost a great man.

All the horrible symptoms I was experiencing yesterday are gone, so it looks like it was the gabapentin. I will try it again, but not until next week. I was prepared for some breathing trouble, but not feeling like I had the flu. Fuck's sake.

Today, I have written up the blog post that I would have done yesterday, had I not felt quite so ghastly, and I started knitting the second sleeve of my jumper while I finished the fifth season of The Walking Dead.

Tonight, my back is intolerably bad, and my stomach has decided to hurt too. Really not enjoying my body at the moment.

The 2nd & 3rd; We're both here.

The 2nd & 3rd; We're both here.

The 29th & 30th; I am skeptical.

The 29th & 30th; I am skeptical.