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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 13th & 14th; Three sleepy kittens.

The 13th & 14th; Three sleepy kittens.

 The 13th of May.

I have had a very boring afternoon.

This morning was okay - did a blog post, then sat with excited kittens while watching the next Lucifer. They are just going to be allowed to roam freely now because they can't be tempted back into the cage with food so it's best to let them just do what they want.

After lunch, Daddy took me to the Dental Hospital for my six monthly check up. My appointment was at half past two, but I wasn't seen until nearly four o'clock. I think it was a pre-op and surgery day, because I watched loads of people go in, get sent for x-rays, then go back. I read three chapters of my book, but it was so much effort to see the letters, I gave up. I was beginning to think they were just ignoring me when.John came to get me. Same old story; very understaffed. I could at least know I helped matters by being a very straightforward patient. My mouth is fine, and he says I can actually stop the mouthwashes altogether. I mentioned how my voice has still not recovered after my last cough (I have been fine for over a month now but I still have no upper register) and he asked if I'd had anyone scope me which was a hard no. I might talk to Dr. Thompson about it at my next lung function appointment but no scopes no thank you not ever.

We were going to pop into John Lewis so it could get some toy stuffing for the Bichon Frise, but the traffic was going to be horrible so we left that for another day. By then, I just wanted to go home.

The 14th of May.

Had to get dressed very quickly this morning because suddenly the roofing man had come to fix the leak in my ceiling that's been there for over a year. It's bizarre the way sometimes my breathing doesn't seem to matter. If it's cold, wet, or there is danger, sometimes I can move fast.

I've had a very kitten heavy day - this morning, I watched two episodes of Lucifer while they bounced about, occasionally texting Mommy for updates from the QE. She was at hand clinic, who don't want to see her again until the lump that's developed has been ultrasounded, then they made her go to minor injuries to have her dodgy knee looked at. Apparently it's just "degeneration", which means that she just has to try to look after herself. Can my mother not fall apart please? I do rather need her.

This afternoon, I watched It (the film) in the company of the kittens. I wanted to see it but do not love horror films so I thought the best time to watch it would be when it was sunny and there were three sleepy kittens on my lap. I was also helped out by my cataracts because most of the scary stuff happened in the dark and I couldn't really tell what was going on. So hopefully no nightmares for me! I was a bit unhappy about Mike from Stranger Things being kind of a tool, but nevermind. It was also quite obvious that Beverly's ponytail was fake and that bothered me. Her short hair is much better; I want it.

The 15th & 16th; They were very well-behaved.

The 15th & 16th; They were very well-behaved.

The 11th & 12th; Kittens are on the loose.

The 11th & 12th; Kittens are on the loose.