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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 28th & 29th; FIVE HEADED SHARK.

The 28th & 29th; FIVE HEADED SHARK.

The 28th of October. 

Today has been decent. I've just put on a small amount of eyeliner, and now I have to pray that doesn't ruin it. I'll be very careful in removing it later. 

This morning was phone calls, blog post, knitting, bit of kittens. I had to phone the GP again because they never rang me back on Friday, and after some confusion on their part (they couldn't seem to work out why anyone had phoned me in the first place), I asked about the sample I'd had sent off and they noticed that I did indeed have some test results and they were normal. Phew! Slightly annoying as it does mean that we don't have an easy answer to the wind question. 

Second call was to the vet, because the kittens need their second jabs and I am going to see if they have any ideas as to how to stop the suckling behaviour. The internet only has suggestions for when they are babies and they are definitely not babies any more. 

I wrote up today's blog post, amused by how few photos of kittens I've got and it's due to all the Dark Time. They deserve more socialising time so if my eyes stay reasonably cooperative, hopefully I can give them that in the next few days. I went to say hello to them this morning and managed to get a couple of pets in before Bramble initiated the bad behaviour and I wanted no part of that. 

After lunch, I went upstairs to start doing these updates on my computer and have Dark Time. I started it off doing the app ones it needed because they would take the least amount of time, then I did the move to Mojave, then to the new OS called Catalina, plus all the restarts in between. Yes, I haven't been on my computer in so long that I've bypassed an entire operating system. While it did all these things, I was back and forth between there and my dark bedroom, listening to The Riverdale Register. 

I didn't stay up there for hours today, because my eyes weren't too awful, and almost as soon as I came downstairs, the doorbell rang. It was a man from a house with an address almost identical to ours who was looking for a parcel. Mommy had taken in a massive box saying "live plants" but didn't think anything of it because Daddy is always buying plants. She noticed afterwards it wasn't actually for us, but didn't have time to sort it out before going to Grandma's. Therefore, it was very convenient that he came round, so I allowed him into the hallway to pick up his giant box (literally almost as tall as me) and he took it away. 

Shortly after that, Daddy came home (he'd been on a drive to Malvern for fun and saw a lot of water), so I put the kettle on for him and made myself a coffee in order to make sure I was fully awake for Sindhu Vee tonight. I have ordered some popcorn chicken so no need for early dinner, and I am very much looking forward to finally seeing her show!

The 29th of October. 

Sindhu was excellent last night. Had a free wine, caught up with Denise and Stu, and had a chat with Sindhu in the interval after I made a very cheeky request to use her bathroom (the other toilets are so far away). We only met briefly before in Mach but she is such a cool lovely kind momma person. She told me that I should be a comedian, or write. I should try and do the writing thing more seriously, because I couldn't be on stage due to the constant chemo brain. Jokes don't work when mid-punchline one forgets the word and starts grasping at the air. 

Pretty sedate morning. Ignored news entirely today after hearing that Labour were going to back a December election because that is going to make for a terrible November and if Boris (or worse, Farage) wins, an even worse Christmas. I finished writing about yesterday, because I didn't get it done before I went out, had a good little belly scratch with Bramble (who had managed to chuck an entire blanket from within her box onto the floor), and knitted a few more rows of the blanket. 

This afternoon, I have been back at the Dark Time and computer updating game. The iMac business wasn't exactly complex - switched it on, started the installation of Catalina and left it to it. Today's podcasts were The Kitchen Cabinet and Friends With Friends featuring Rose Matafeo, discussing one of my favourite storylines - The One With All The Cheesecakes. Forget the rest of the episode, I just love that bit. And by the end of those, computer was fully up to date! Really, I need to see what's taking up what amount of space and delete files and apps I don't use but that's way too much bright screen time for my eyes at the moment. 

I then decided to have some floof-time, during which nobody wanted to really be socialised. I delved into Amazon Prime, and found a film even better than Three Headed Shark: FIVE HEADED SHARK. In viewing, there was an immediate issue because the shark only had four heads. Well, it had four heads at the head end, and one head in its tail? Essentially, people got eaten by this massive shark, a man from an aquarium wanted to catch it and keep it in the aquarium (I have no idea how he thought he might contain it), the rest of his team were against this but he threatened them, two members of the team got eaten, then they enlisted the help of a shark hunter. He harpooned it with a sonar tracker, they enlisted the help of the police to manipulate it using dolphin sounds, then they planned to blow it up. The shark got angry and broke their propeller so they couldn't get away, so a rescue helicopter was called, which the shark jumped out of the water and grabbed with its four mouths. In the end, the shark hunter jumped into the water, stuck a massive hook with bombs attached to the end in its fin, then presumably set them to go off after he had swum away? All we see is the shark exploding, then the man pulls himself up onto the boat. The end! 

The 30th & 31st; I smelled a smell.

The 30th & 31st; I smelled a smell.

The 26th & 27th; It just feels neverending.

The 26th & 27th; It just feels neverending.