The 7th & 8th; He looked up and greeted me with "Lazarus".
The 7th of November.
I have broken out the festive jewellery. One of my advent calendars arrived today (the coffee one) so it had to be done.
My morning seemed to get away from me - I did a blog post, then I trawled the internet for patterns for things to make for Mommy and Daddy for Christmas. I found two and downloaded them, but one involved wires and teeny tiny hooks which is too much of a faff.
I took a break from my search to go and wash my hair and put on some clothes that weren't pyjamas. Christmas jumper, Christmas necklace.
I finally found a pattern I want to do that isn't silly, so then I had to purchase the wool. I am hoping it is an acceptable substitute for the one that is recommended.
After lunch, I got my jumper out and carried on with that while watching House. I'm on season eight now so soon I'll have to find something else to binge on.
Tonight I am off to the Glee to see Fin Taylor. Fingers crossed the late night doesn't affect my lung function tests in the morning!
The 8th of November.
Tired tonight. I was awake at six, because we had to go out at half seven for lung function tests at quarter past eight. I had a new girl doing them today (new to the QE, not the profession) and the room with the box in was occupied, so I got to sit on a slightly more comfortable seat for the first several tests. Some I did twice, some three times, one four times. Then she had to go and get someone to do the last one in the box because she isn't signed off on that yet. In came Amie who I have met before, and we got a pillow to protect my bony butt (it was bad enough before I lost ten pounds) and went to the box. I did the test in there five times.
Dr. Thompson was running rather late, so I finished my book and was getting very bored by the time I got called in at quarter to eleven. When I went into his room, he looked up and greeted me with "Lazarus". Thanks. He looked at my results and they were slightly worse than last time, as I expected, but he seems hopeful that they'll recover a bit. He wants me to wear a sats monitor tonight to see what they drop to while I'm asleep, because I am struggling without oxygen when I lie down. Only half a litre, but still. So I had to wait for ages for that, then had to go for a chest x-ray to compare to the one I had done in ICU because apparently I had a bit of pneumonia too.
At this point, it was quarter past twelve and I was knackered and hungry and my butt hurt from not enough padding, so I was very happy to get home.