The 21st & 22nd; Every one is a gift.
The 21st of December.
Ten years. Ten years today since Wulfrun came barging into my cubicle with the news that we might have a liver. While things might not be ideal, I am here, and I am so thankful. Just three months ago I was begging the doctors to let me die, but my family kept me here. I am so happy I get another Christmas at home with them. Every one is a gift.
This morning, I got out my Villeroy and Boch tree and set out all the Christmas dudes, although my back protested the whole time. I had one of my rainbow bagels for breakfast, then wrote up a blog post and took a bunch of selfies to illustrate my continued life.
After lunch, I made myself a hot chocolate, arranged some presents under the tree, and watched Arthur Christmas. It is not on until Christmas Day, and I suspect not everyone will want to watch so thought I'd get it in. It is one of my favourites.
I've now finished crocheting both sleeves of the jumper. I might finish it before Christmas Day?
The 22nd of December.
It has been a day of festive jollity (for the most part).
This morning, I started putting together the jumper I've been making while I watched Saturday Kitchen. I've found that one of the sleeves is longer than the other but I can't be arsed to care about that now, so I'll stretch the short one.
Christine got home late morning, and she and Daddy had to decide which of them was going to accompany me to Elf this afternoon, because Becky has developed a cold and I can't afford to catch that right now. My lungs would totally give up.
When the post came, I got a small package which had presents in for me! I opened them under Mommy's logic that if they'd been from a Secret Santa, I would have opened them. They were from a lovely lady on Twitter called Kate, and were a Dior eye luminizer ring and a solid Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume! Such good presents.
Daddy came to the cinema with me, which was when I got very stressed and angry. He decided we would drive a stupid, extra long way which made us late, then when we arrived, the film was in the upstairs screen, at which point I nearly had a stress cry. I pulled myself together though, and once the film started and I got settled in, I calmed down and stopped being angry. Once You Make Me Feel So Young kicked in, I was happy. I just have to try to not think about how many more chances I'll get to see it.