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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 14th & 15th; Four new scratches.

The 14th & 15th; Four new scratches.

The 14th of October. 

Oh god. Back to plop. 

This morning, Mommy and I were going to town to return some jumpers, then to look at the John Lewis sale. Before we went out, we had to do the kittens' antibiotics, and immediately after we'd done Beatrice's and put her back in the cage, she somehow got poo on herself. It can't have been her own, because she has been doing good poos, but we could not see any evidence of any poo anywhere and we thought it wasn't so bad that we needed to clean her. Turns out, we were wrong. 

However, not knowing that, we went into town and did our shopping. I got a velour hoodie with 20% off because I am trash, and some excellent Christmas socks with dogs on. Upon our return, we had lunch, watched The Only Way Is Essex, then Mommy went to Grandma's. I had a coffee with some Moomin biscuits, then went to sit with the kittens and watch Allegiant. 

Well, that was my plan. What actually happened was quite different. I had not thought any more about Beatrice's pooey back end, but this afternoon if has been a topic of much discussion. 

I let them all out to run around, and I'd just sat down when I noticed that Beatrice was dragging her bum on the floor and leaving pooey marks! I had to grab her and put her back in the cage, then I didn't really know what to do. I called Mommy, who said we were going to have to give her a proper wash, but to ask for Shaki's advice as to how to make it least traumatic. That is what I did, and she said to basically bathe her bottom half in body temperature water. One of us was going to have to hold her top half and just reassure her, while the other held the bottom half and washed the poo out! Then we had to rinse her, and dry her in many towels, plus potentially use the hair dryer if she tolerated it (spoiler: she did not). Then I got Daddy in to try and get the poo marks out of the carpet, which he was not thrilled about but I cannot do it. Anyway, stain removal wipes were almost completely successful. He came back with some more heavy duty stuff but while the other two kittens were out, I did not want them potentially ingesting that. That can be done tonight. 

Mommy got home at about six, having had to deal with Grandma being dramatic and going unresponsive so they'd had to call paramedics. She's okay, they think she basically just fainted because she is barely eating at the moment. Argh. 

Then she came home to have to deal with poopy kitten time. I feel terrible that I can't do more. We bathed Beatrice, who hated it. I have four new scratches with Savlon on, and my jeans ended up quite damp. I got really worried when we were towelling her dry, because she started shaking, so I just phoned Shaki. She said it's fine, they do just shiver sometimes, but we just had to keep her warm and keep rubbing her dry, then give her some treats and lots of attention before we put her back in the cage. We got her happy and purring again, snuggly in a dry towel, and back in the cage with her sisters, all having some dinner. 

I feel really horrible asking Mommy to do anything at the moment. She's got Grandma to cope with, plus her hand issues, me, and the kittens. There's stuff that I can ask Daddy to do, and I try to do things myself, but then I feel like shit afterwards and I'm reminded how useless my body is. Basically, I am not a huge fan of me at the moment. 

The 15th of October. 

Thank god, no more poo problems. Kittens all clean and using the trays. Yes please. 

I had a terrible night's sleep - it took me ages to go to sleep, then I woke up regularly and was pretty much awake from about six. Stupid brain. I got up at nine, and despite not really having anything to do, I didn't get my coffee made until nearly eleven. Giving the kittens antibiotics somehow takes us nearly half an hour? We must just be petting them for too long afterwards. So terrible. I was worried Beatrice might have been traumatised by her bathing yesterday but she let us pick her up and she sat on my lap without any struggle which was a relief. 

Rakeem rang to clarify something (always good, I like it when people want to get stuff right), and he said my piece is planned to be published this weekend. I spent the rest of the morning getting started on a kitten blanket using the right amount of stitches. It certainly looked a lot more like I was expecting!

After lunch, I paused the blanket to let the kittens out again, provided everybody was clean and there had been no more accidents. Thankfully we were safe! I was able to sit down and watch Allegiant, which was, sadly, somewhat predictable. I told Tris off a lot for being a dumbass. But I had a nice cuddle with Blanche - she is definitely the closest to being a lap cat so far. Once she gets tired, I can just grab her and put her on my lap, and she just stays there like warm, hairy, little pudding. I did get all three at one point, but then they all started doing this thing they do where they treat each other's spay site the way they would their mother's teat, and it's kind of gross. It's a natural thing for them to do, and the action itself isn't the issue, it's just that it's so loud! It sounds like a couple getting off with each other right in front of you and nobody likes that. I do hope they grow out of it. 

The 16th & 17th; Being sassy is very stressful.

The 16th & 17th; Being sassy is very stressful.

The 12th & 13th; Living on Rennies and Gaviscon.

The 12th & 13th; Living on Rennies and Gaviscon.