The 8th & 9th; Cripes.
The 8th of February.
I am very sleepy this evening. Last night was a slightly later bedtime than usual, because we had a phone call from a nurse at Llandudno Hospital. Taid had fallen down at Asda and bashed his head, and the staff there felt he needed to be seen by a doctor. However, Llandudno only have a minor injuries unit, so Taid needed to go to Bangor so he could be checked out properly. He was reluctant, hence the phone call. Daddy was able to convince him, and today we were told that he's alright (by hospital staff, not just Taid). There was a slight issue with getting him home, but that has all been resolved now.
Rosemary came for lunch today, so we had a bit of a chat, and she greatly appreciated my Dogs on Jumpers book. I think I will have to make her something with a sausage dog on (she has one called Otto).
I haven't done any knitting today because a) I'm tired, b) it seems it's not good for my back and c) my eyes have been very irritated. The eye hygiene routine seems to have just made my eyes worse, and not got many secretions out, so I'm not convinced I'm going to continue with it. Certainly not every day.
The 9th of February.
Less tired today. Bit more sleep, plus an extra coffee. And my eyes have not been angry today, which helps.
This morning, I did a bit of Fair Isle knitting practise while watching Saturday Kitchen. It did not go brilliantly, but I improved the more I did. I casted off after doing the pattern five times, and took a break for lunch.
More this afternoon, but I have been careful to keep my back relaxed. It is the hunching over I've been doing that I think has been making it worse. There are two starter Fair Isle charts in the Knitting for Dummies book, so I've been going through the first of those with the rugby on in the background. I'm pretty happy with how it's going, and it should be useful for when I start doing my first dog jumper. I've ordered some wool, but I haven't actually decided which dog I'll do first.
Bad news -seems Taid is not actually fine. Daddy spoke to him this afternoon and he seemed quite perky, but at some point after that, Sian (one of the people who helps him with stuff and drives him places) was visiting him, and he had some sort of seizure and became unconscious. She rang an ambulance and he came round, but they are taking him to Bangor Hospital, and Daddy's now on his way there too. Cripes.