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Documenting not dying since October 2013.

The 4th & 5th; Not feeling terrible?

The 4th & 5th; Not feeling terrible?

The 4th of June. 

Well, I woke up not feeling terrible? When I was going to sleep I kept worrying if I was getting achy or cold but I didn't and it was such a relief. Because my body did cope, I decided i would take the full three tablets today, 100mg each. So far there have been no ill effects, but I'll have to do it for a few days before I potentially feel any sort of difference to my pain, or I might have to go up to a much higher dose. We'll see how it goes  

I have been mostly crocheting today. A blog post this morning, then I finished off a part of Harry's present I started last night. After lunch, I went to sit with Fabio, who was full of beans, constantly climbing me and fighting with my jumper and rampaging around the room. I managed to finish Lucifer, and now I have to just stew until Netflix makes another season. I loved Maze singing Wonderwall. She is probably my favourite character. Along with Ella. 

By the end, Fabio was being ridiculous, so I left him and I've made some more of my crochet project. It's coming together quite nicely!

The 5th of June. 

Still feeling okay. Still haven't done anything that would normally cause me pain so can't judge that yet. I'll have to do some standing around tomorrow to test it, because it's after three days on a particular dose that you then go up to the next level if it's had no effect. 

This morning, I couldn't be bothered with the news because it was all D-day stuff and as much as I appreciate what they did (although the impact does not seem to have lasted), I find it very boring. So I put Friends on and let that babble away, and I finished all the parts of Harry's present. Now he can be assembled!

After lunch, I went to sit with Fabio, and I watched one of the new episodes of Black Mirror, Smithereens. Definitely don't see Andrew Scott as the hot priest any more. But god (SPOILERS AHEAD) I hate it when Charlie Brooker leaves things ambiguous. I just want to know which (if either) of the men in the car got shot!

That was quite stressful and meant I needed some amusement, so I watched the third episode of Good Omens while Fabio went mental, and I spent the last twenty minutes retrieving him from behind the television. Such a rascal. 

The 6th & 7th; Let's just get to the end of the world.

The 6th & 7th; Let's just get to the end of the world.

The 2nd & 3rd; These things have to be done.

The 2nd & 3rd; These things have to be done.